Somatic meditation exercise: cherry blossoms

Producer/Camera/Editor Danny Kim. Writer Abigail Rose Clarke. Executive Producer Rob VanAlkemade / Medicinal Media. Our nonprofit generates funding in multiple ways, including through affiliate linking. When you purchase something through an affiliate link on this site, the price will be the same for you as always, but we may receive a small percentage of the cost.


Take a moment — right now, if you’re able — to either carefully look at, or remember, something beautiful.

Dohoon is a 4-year-old child from Bucheon, South Korea who enjoys playgrounds, soccer, art classes, and even art museums. In the spring times (all four of them so far), Dohoon loves to stare closely at the thousands of cherry blossoms as they bloom and sway and float about, so briefly, until the next time.


DTx: digital mental health for kids


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