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  • PayPal or credit card. Please note that we have applied for 501(c)(3) status and are awaiting confirmation from the IRS. Donations will be tax-deductible once this clears. If you would like to ensure your contribution is tax deductible, click here to donate through our fiscal sponsor.

  • Please email our Director of Operations, Deaven Wilson, to make a donation via wire transfer.

  • If you scan the QR below, it will take you to Zelle to enroll. All this involves is finding your bank and it will take you to your login screen. Once logged in, Medicinal Meda’s Zelle transfer information will be automatically displayed.

Illustration by Molly McCammon from “The healing power of music evokes memories for every age.” Your donation supports community mental health, fair pay for our content creators, and shapes the larger conversation around media.

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