Media makers: Labyrinth

Executive Producer/Camera/Editor Rob VanAlkemade / Medicinal Media.  Field Producer Andie Grace. Social Media Manager/Associate Producer Paras Dhillon / Medicinal Media.


Medicinal Media will occasionally survey individuals who make media of all kinds about their relationship with art and technology — from early media in childhood to the media they create personally and professionally — and its impact.

Neuroscape Labs at UCSF is reimagining emerging, non-invasive technology — like video games, wearable devices, virtual reality, and augmented reality — as tools to better understand brain function, enhance cognition, and optimize behavior. In this video, we learn about Labyrinth, a VR navigation game that exercises the long-term memory system by challenging the player to learn new neighborhoods.

Many thanks to Neuroscape UCSF 

Dr. Peter Wais

Melissa Arioli 

Dr. Adam Gazzaley

Sierra Niblett

Learn more about Neuroscape Labs

Psychedelic research: Neuroscape


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