Radical accessibility theater

Video produced and edited for The Grieving Project by Levan Amiranashvili in conjunction with Medicinal Media.


The Grieving Project musical, as described to The Washington Post by artist and playwright Lisa Sniderman, is the story of four people with disabilities, performed by artists who have real-life disabilities. The characters work to find their voices and thrive while navigating mental health challenges, relationship hurdles, and their respective conditions. Told in 14 stages with spoken word and music, the project asks: “How can we live fully and thrive if we don’t grieve?” Sniderman collaborated with Suzanne Richard, artistic director at Open Circle Theatre in Baltimore, to pioneer a radically accessible hybrid theater model. Sniderman says,“Our goal is to use technology in combination with live events to bring the full theatrical experience to as wide an audience as possible, drawing them into the story of self-discovery, acceptance, and hope.” The production is still in development and is seeking support to realize their vision.

Featuring: Lisa Sniderman, Suzanne Richard, Jessica Wallach, Christopher Morrison, Enoch Chan

Actors: Nikki Neuberger, Devin McCall, Laura Leo Kelly, Amelia Firestone, Zia Wallach

Interpreter: Taylor Flanagan

Production: Lisbot, Betty Siegel, live and virtual audiences at The Voxel

Music: Stewart St John & Michael Plahuta, Lisa Sniderman, Angelo Bundini

Filming: Enoch Chan, Jessica Wallach, Lisa Sniderman, Christopher Morrison and Ioana Matei. 

Special thanks to: The Voxel in Baltimore, MD, Ohmnilabs for the robot, and Levan Amiranashvili


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